TITLE: Basics of photography and interpersonal development

Chapter 1: Photography Basics Introduction

Chapter 2: First photography and development

Chapter 3: Shutter Speed

Chapter 4: Aperture

Chapter 5: ISO

Chapter 6: Composition

Chapter 7: Camera Modes

Chapter 8: Focusing

Chapter 9: B&W photography

Chapter 10: Photography Ideas

Chapter 11: Business and self-marketability


Upon completion, participants will be able to:

In addition to the lecture, the workshop will be interactive, where students will participate in photography, will understand the basics of automatic and manual photography, will learn the difference between photography by phone and camera and what is the difference between them and how should be photographed in these cases.

In other words, the workshop is instructive and also entertaining but at the same time they are things that will accompany them for a lifetime considering that we all photograph and shoot on a daily basis.


Target groups:

Students of the Faculty of Design, Arts, Costumography, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product/Industrial Design, Fashion Design (Bachelor / Master Level),  and students who have a general interest in the field of Arts and Design.