Website development has always played a key role in the functioning of the internet as a whole. Especially with the increase in the number of devices that can be connected to the Internet, there has been an increased demand for websites to adapt to developing hardware. However, while students and professionals in the field of computer science and engineering are advancing in this field, usually students or professionals in fields such as mechatronics, electrical / electronic engineering, etc. lag behind in this regard as they focus more on other development areas. Exactly in this edition of the summer academy we aim to cover this gap between the engineers of the mentioned fields and the development of the websites, thus creating a connection between the hardware and the part of the websites. Participants will have the opportunity to realize in real time projects related to websites and then link them to the hardware parts of various mechatronic systems.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of websites
  • Develop their own website
  • Connect different hardware devices to websites
  • Learn about the latest technologies in this regard


Target groups:

Bachelor and master students of majors such as: Mechatronics, Computer Science & Engineering, other engineering majors.